WYD 2011 Theme

“Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the Faith” - Colossians 2:7

31 January 2011

Pilgrim Profile: Jamie Kimelstein

Jamie Kimelstein - WYD '11 - Madrid, Spain
My name is Jamie Kimelstein. In August of 2011 I and others will be lucky enough to attend World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain. Attending World Youth Day it is the greatest opportunity presented to me in my lifetime. At World Youth Day we will be accompanied by thousands, if not, millions of young Catholics from all around the world sharing in a once in a lifetime chance to take part in this beautiful pilgrimage. I believe this will change my life greatly. My faith will be strengthened along with all the other Catholic teens attending. I truly look forward to this.

25 January 2011

Pilgrim Profile: Anthony Beckner

Anthony Beckner - WYD'11 (Madrid)
Hi, I'm A.J. Beckner and I am a sophomore at Holy Trinity Diocesan High School, and a part of the youth group that is going to World Youth Day in August. I first found out about WYD three years ago when some members of our parish made the pilgrimage to Australia in 2008.
It always seemed like a cool idea but I never imagined that I would be experiencing it in Spain in 2011. When we go we will do many things including participate in a mass said by Pope Benedict XVI, go to Avila, and meet with thousands of other Christians from around the world. From what I've heard from people who went to the last WYD, it is a very spiritual uplifting experience, and I can't wait to go.

21 January 2011

Pope John Paul II named Patron Saint of World Youth Day 2011!

After it was announced that Pope John Paul II is going to be beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on May 1, Divine Mercy Sunday, we received some more great news - John Paul will also be a patron saint for World Youth Day 2011!

Here's an article: http://www.zenit.org/article-31483?l=english

Pope John Paul II... PRAY FOR US!

14 January 2011

Pilgrim Profile: Brendan Graney

Brendan Graney - WYD'11 (Madrid)
My name is Brendan Graney and I will be going to World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain, in August of 2011.  World Youth Day is the single largest gathering of catholic youth for Jesus Christ.  I have always wanted to go since my brother went to World Youth Day in 2008, in Sydney, Australia.  I also want to go because I know this pilgrimage will deepen my faith and will make my relationship with God more intimate.  The theme of WYD 2011 is, "Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in faith."  The pilgrims of Our Lady of Mercy Parish hope that this pilgrimage will allow us to experience the faith of Jesus Christ with young people from around the world.  Please wish us well and keep is in your prayers as we prepare for this pilgrimage and even on the pilgrimage, as we grow in our faith.

07 January 2011

Pilgrim Profile: Kevin Weiss

Kevin Weiss - WYD'08 (Sydney), WYD'11 (Madrid)
Responding to the call for youth from Pope Benedict, I had the opportunity to go to World Youth Day in Sydney in 2008 and my life has never been the same.  Every time I go to Mass, I’m reminded of the closing Mass at Randwick Racecourse.  Witnessing an enormous congregation of over 500,000 Catholics, celebrating the Eucharist together, changes everyone's relationship with the Church.  I learned so much about our Faith, my friends, and myself.  Following my first world youth day experience, I look forward to this entirely new experience of Madrid.  In 2008, we “received the power when the Holy Spirit came upon us” (Act 1:8), I look forward to this summer and being "Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith" (Col 2:7).

03 January 2011

Pilgrim Profile: Ryan McCaffery

Ryan McCaffery - WYD '11 (Madrid)
Hi my name is Ryan McCaffery and I’m part of the youth group that is going to Spain for world youth day. At world youth day I hope to grow in my faith experience. And since the pope will be speaking I hope to get the chance to meet him. I want to go to Spain because it seems like a lot of fun and I think it will be a good experience for me and my friends. While in Spain I will get to meet other Catholics from all over the world, even people from the U.S.A. Since I’ve never been out of the country before this will be a whole new experience for me and I know it will be lots of fun.